Tilbake til alle arrangementer
Eyo all internationals and evenryone else who loves mushrooms, or just simply a little walk in the forest!!!
Delta Utenriks is going on mushroom picking at noon (12:00) in Estenstedsmarka on sunday 22.
We'll meet up at Bekken parking, as there is gonna be a mushroom contoll/quality check there from 13-16 by Trondheim sopp- og nyttevekstforening.
Link to their info:https://trondheim.soppognyttevekster.no/.../soppkontroll.../
Make sure to bring lots of different small buckets/containers so that you can sort the different mushrooms in different containers, such that potentially poisonous ones doesn't get in contact with edible ones!!
Wear clothes that fits the weather!!
Hope that many mushroom enthusiasts show up:)